Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Motivation And Motivation The Surprising Truth About...

Motivation in Education The standard way of thinking about motivation has it that the only way to get people to be driven is to reward them extrinsically. In other words, the way we generally try to motivate people is by dangling a carrot in front of their face, or pushing them with a poke to the ribs with stick. Many people assume that if you want someone to do something, you incentivize them with external compensation. For example, if you want a student to work harder in class, offer them extra credits. If you want your basketball team to be better, make them run more suicides as punishment. However, in this book, Drive: ’’The Surprising Truth About What Motivates Us’’ by Daniel Pink challenges this conventional, preconceived notion of motivation of carrot and stick mentality. Pink divided motivation into three categories that evolved over time: motivation 1.0, 2.0 and 3.0. In the first chapter, Pink offered different ways of human drives that motivate. The first one was motiv ation 1.0: struggling to obtain our basic needs to survive, biological drives of food, water, and sex. Yet, it wasn t enough, and then people replaced it, with the second drive, which is based on rewards and punishment. Motivation 2.0 states that humans also responded to the drive to seek rewards and avoid punishment. That worked fine for routine tasks, but incompatible with how we organize what we do, how we think about what we do, and how we do what we do. (20) This type of motivation workedShow MoreRelatedThe Surprising Truth About What Motivates Us By Daniel H. Pink1847 Words   |  8 PagesStudent Name Professor Name Class Name May 22, 2016 Drive: The Surprising Truth About What Motivates Us by Daniel H. Pink The ability to extract joy and satisfaction from one’s work is recognized as largely being an inside job, not solely dependent upon external factors such as positive feedback in order for it to occur. Yet many business models in place throughout the world still invest in and emphasize extrinsic motivators like rewards and punishment. Research into effective strategies for maximizingRead MoreMotivation, Motivation And Intrinsic Motivation951 Words   |  4 Pagespeople still not quite understand how we motivate, and what actually support us to attain our dream in daily life. Although huge numbers of scientists keep researching on how motivation works in our brain, we cannot make a conclusion about the truth of the motivation in the past century. Luckily, Daniel Pink announces his latest results, â€Å"The Puzzle of Motivation†, on TED in 2009, which gives us a brand new idea about our motivation and how we could improve us by learning his method. In this essay,Read Mor eWhat is Motivation? Essay1284 Words   |  6 Pages Motivation is the â€Å"why† behind our behaviors. Behavior that is usually goal-oriented. The forces that lie beneath motivation can be biological, social, emotional or cognitive in nature. There are, indeed, a plethora of inducements that cause us to act the way we act and do the things we do. They include things like quenching our thirst, reading to gain knowledge, studying to ace an exam, surpassing quotas and meeting deadlines for a promotion, etc. According to Kendra Cherry’s article on â€Å"WHAT ISRead MoreExtrinsic Rewards And Its Motivation1092 Words   |  5 PagesAccording to Daniel Pink’s book Drive – The Surprising Truth About What Motivates Us, he writes that these extrinsic rewards are in fact not the best ways in which to obtain and maintain motivation. Pink gives a new perspective on motivation in the workplace; it is argued that human motivation is largely intrinsic and that the aspects of this motivation can be divided into autonomy, mastery, and purpose. Based on the extrinsic reward motivation theory, low financial compensation can hinder motivation andRead MoreDrive: The Surprising Truth About What Motivates Us, by Daniel Pink1781 Words   |  8 PagesEver since I began my teaching career, I have been fascinated with the topic of motivation and the role it plays in student learning. Daniel Pink’s book, Drive: The Surprising Truth About What Motivates Us, has been on my personal reading list for a couple of years now, and I was elated to find that it was one of the recommended books to read for this assignment. I have often wondered why some of my students, and even one of my own children, are more internally driven than others to complete a givenRead MorePrimary Concepts Of Motivation : Defining And Recognition Of Motivational Awareness1145 Words   |  5 PagesCONCEPTS OF MOTIVATION 3 Primary Concepts of Motivation: Defining and Recognition of Motivational Awareness There have been numerous books, articles and studies regarding the subject of motivation. What motivates and individual? What motivates you? A focus on benefits and rewards has been suggested to motivate as well as setting up rules and guidelines for success. What if that is not what motivates an individualRead MoreChapter One Of Drive : The Surprising Truth About What Motivates Us1524 Words   |  7 PagesIn chapter one of Drive: The Surprising Truth About What Motivates Us, Author Daniel Pink introduces two types of motivators that he refers to as, â€Å"Human operating systems†. Times have changed, and business models are changing as well. Just like we need to upgrade our computer software when it begins to fail. We also need to upgrade our human operating systems, when our current method is not keeping up with the ever-changing business world. The concept of reward and punishment to encourage employeesRead MoreThe Surprising Truth About What Motivates Us Essay1874 Words   |  8 PagesIn chapter one of Drive: The Surprising Truth About What Motivates Us, author Daniel Pink introduces two types of motivators that he refers to as, â€Å"Human operating systems†. Times have changed, and business models are changing as well. Just like we need to upgrade our computer software when it begins to fail. We also need to upgrade our human operating systems, when our current method has not kept up with the ever-changing business world. The concept of reward and punishment to encourage employeesRead MoreThe Theme Of Motherhood In The Bean Trees941 Words   |  4 Pagesbook The Bean Trees there are several mother figures that each express their love for their child, even going great lengths for them. Throughout the many great themes of The Bean Trees this one by far sticks out the most because the book is mainly about a mother taking care of her child, that isn’t even hers, making many sacrifices to give her the best life possible. The main character, Taylor, decides that she wants to move out and ends up literally getting a baby dropped off right in front of herRead MoreThe Law Enforcement Training Program1235 Words   |  5 Pagestoward restoring authority at the appropriate level. In his April 2010 RSA Animate entitled â€Å"Drive: the surprising truth about what motivates us,† Daniel Pink highlights the three keys to motivation as autonomy, mastery, and purpose ( Artificial and / or arbitrary restrictions imposed on field commands goes against all three of these keys to motivation. The field command no longer has the autonomy to assign their best member to train their boarding teams

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