Friday, June 5, 2020

Authentic Leadership Essay - 275 Words

Authentic Leadership (Essay Sample) Content: Authentic LeadershipBy: Studentà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬s NameStudent IDEmail address * * Course Title * Tutor * Institution * Location * Submission DateAuthentic LeadershipAuthentic leadership is the new analogy used to define leadership. It refers to a leader owning up his or her followers, their beliefs or ideologies and preferences and implies that the leader behaves according to the expectations of the constituents. An authentic leader is a genuine leader; one who concerns oneself with the wellbeing of their followers. They may be transformational, charismatic and a servant leader but should majorly have the interests of the associates at heart CITATION Geo03 \l 2057 (George 2003). They have to make informed decisions when faced with a tricky analogy but if the reverse occurs, the authenticity of the leader will be questioned and even result in declined faith in the same leader. As a result, ethical failures of a leader drive us to perform an analysis of the leadership stand ards at hand.Values are what are perceived desirable by the standards of the followers while ethics is the concept o0f what is right and wrong regardless o0f the situation in focus. Thus, whatever is perceived ethical is determined by oneà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬s values and principles. In accordance to authentic leadership, a leader should own up their self, including their actions. And as such, authentic leaders should provide high standards as their actions, image and principles are used as a benchmark by their followers. Authenticity of values, principles, and standards simply imply being true to oneself or nature. Thus, authentic leaders do not act up; neither do they pretend to be who they are not. Simply, they are who they are CITATION Geo03 \l 2057 (George 2003). Though they should acknowled... Authentic Leadership Essay - 275 Words Authentic Leadership (Essay Sample) Content: Authentic LeadershipBy: Studentà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬s NameStudent IDEmail address * * Course Title * Tutor * Institution * Location * Submission DateAuthentic LeadershipAuthentic leadership is the new analogy used to define leadership. It refers to a leader owning up his or her followers, their beliefs or ideologies and preferences and implies that the leader behaves according to the expectations of the constituents. An authentic leader is a genuine leader; one who concerns oneself with the wellbeing of their followers. They may be transformational, charismatic and a servant leader but should majorly have the interests of the associates at heart CITATION Geo03 \l 2057 (George 2003). They have to make informed decisions when faced with a tricky analogy but if the reverse occurs, the authenticity of the leader will be questioned and even result in declined faith in the same leader. As a result, ethical failures of a leader drive us to perform an analysis of the leadership stand ards at hand.Values are what are perceived desirable by the standards of the followers while ethics is the concept o0f what is right and wrong regardless o0f the situation in focus. Thus, whatever is perceived ethical is determined by oneà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬s values and principles. In accordance to authentic leadership, a leader should own up their self, including their actions. And as such, authentic leaders should provide high standards as their actions, image and principles are used as a benchmark by their followers. Authenticity of values, principles, and standards simply imply being true to oneself or nature. Thus, authentic leaders do not act up; neither do they pretend to be who they are not. Simply, they are who they are CITATION Geo03 \l 2057 (George 2003). Though they should acknowled...

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